Held In Our Hearts: baby loss counselling and support

Episode 8: Sibling support after baby loss

Held In Our Hearts Season 1 Episode 8

This episode features a discussion about sibling support and how children at different ages might grieve differently. 
 Nicola speaks to Jamie Cameron about the work of Lyle's Light which was established after the loss of Jamie's precious twin daughter Lyle.  Jamie's older daughter Cameron was 5 at the time and she was aware that she needed to support her daughter's grief as well as well as her own.  Nicola and Jamie explore children's grief and discuss the sibling books that are available via the charity which are gifted in memory of Lyle. 
 We hope that the podcast gives you an insight into how parents might manage other siblings feelings after their baby dies.

If you would like to know more about this topic and our work, please email info@heldinourhearts.org.uk